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Israela Becker ~ Non In Solo Pane Vivit Homo

About Me


I am a cognitive linguist who studies language change from the perspective of Construction Grammar (CxG).


I. Becker and M. Ariel. Scaffolding the sentential Ultimate construction into a word: A link-based analysis. Accepted for publication in Constructions and Frames. (preprint available upon request)


I. Becker. Let my speakers talk: Metalinguistic activity can indicate semantic change. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 20 (2), 289-319 (2024) [link] (preprint available upon request)


I. Becker. It's all about the sentential construction: Lexicalization of complete mono-clausal sentences into words ― Evidence from Hebrew. Studies in Language, 47 (2), 463-504 (2023) [link] (preprint available upon request)

(For a short version of this paper, ~22 minutes, see video)


R. Giora, S. Givoni, and I. Becker. How defaultness affects text production: Resonating with default interpretations of negative sarcasm. In The Diversity of Irony. Walter de Gruyter. 2020. p. 66-77 [pdf]

R. Giora. and I. Becker. S/he is not the most sparkling drink in the pub. Global vs. local cue – Which reigns supreme? Metaphor and Symbol, 34 (3), 141-157 (2019) [pdf]

I. Becker and R. Giora. The Defaultness Hypothesis: A quantitative corpus-based study of non/default sarcasm and literalness production. Journal of Pragmatics, 138, 149-164 (2018) [pdf]

R. Giora, I. Jaffe, I. Becker and O. Fein. Strongly attenuating highly positive concepts: The case of default sarcastic interpretations. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 16 (1), 19-47 (2018) [pdf]

I. Becker. The good, the not good, and the not beautiful: On the non-obligatoriness of suppression following negation. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 11 (2), 255-283 (2015) [pdf]

I. Becker and V. Aharonson. Last but definitely not least: On the role of the last sentence in automatic polarity-classification. Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Conference (short papers), 331-335, Uppsala, Sweden, 11-16 July 2010 [pdf]

E. Flaxer, I. Becker, and B. Fisherman. An alternative approach in mechatronics curricular development at AFEKA – Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering and at Tel-Aviv University. IJMEE- The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 36 (3), 266-282 (2008) [pdf]

I. Becker and E. Flaxer. Analyzing the hierarchical organization of text by using biologically-inspired statistical methods. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 15 (4), 318-339 (2008) [pdf]

E. Ben-Jacob, I. Becker, Y. Shapira, and H. Levine. Bacterial linguistic communication and social intelligence. Trends in Microbiology, 12 (8), 366-372 (2004) [pdf]

E. Ben-Jacob, Y. Shapira, I. Becker, N. Raichman, V. Volman, E. Hulata, and I. Baruchi. Communication-based regulated freedom of response in bacterial colonies. Physica A, 330 (1-2), 218-231 (2003) [pdf]

J. M. Weber, J. Kim, E. A. Woronowicz, G. H. Weddle, I. Becker, O. Cheshnovsky, and M. A. Johnson. Observation of resonant two-photon photodetachment of water cluster anions via femtosecond photoelectron spectroscopy. Chemical Physics Letters 339, 337-342 (2001) [pdf]

I. Becker and O. Cheshnovsky. Photodetachment studies of extended excited states in I-Xen clusters (n = 1-54). Journal of Chemical Physics 110, 6288-6297 (1999) [pdf]

C. E. H. Dessent, , M. A. Johnson, I. Becker, and O. Cheshnovsky. Electron transfer and charge separation in clusters. In Advances in Chemical Physics: Electron Transfer – from Isolated Molecules to Biomolecules. Vol. 106 (part I). John Wiley & Sons. 1999. p. 265-302 [link, preprint available upon request]

J. Kim, I. Becker, O. Cheshnovsky, and M. A. Johnson. Photoelectron spectroscopy of the “missing” hydrated electron clusters (H2O)n-, n = 3, 5, 8 and 9: isomers and continuity with the dominant clusters n = 6, 7 and ≥11. Chemical Physics Letters 297, 90-96 (1998) [pdf]

I. Becker and O. Cheshnovsky. A combined mass gate – energy discriminator. Review of Scientific Instruments 68, 4625-4626 (1997) [pdf]

I. Becker, G. Markovich, and O. Cheshnovsky. Bound delocalized excited states in I-Xen clusters. Physical Review Letters 79, 3391-3394 (1997) [pdf]

I. Becker and O. Cheshnovsky. The decay of Pyrazine and Pyrazine-D4 in supersonic jets: Isotope effects. Journal of Chemical Physics 101, 3649-3655 (1994) [pdf]


Dissertations and Theses

אִם זֶמֶר שִׁיר מִזֶּה הוֹצֵאנוּ / אַל נִתְנַכֵּר לוֹ יְדִידַי / אַל נִתְיָחֵס נָא אֶל עַצְמֵנוּ / בְכוֹבֶד רֹאש מֻפְרָז מִדַּי

(“נתן אלתרמן, מתוך שיר סיום, “שלמה המלך ושלמי הסנדלר)


The links above make up a (small) sample of Israeli beauty: recordings of classical Israeli tunes composed by the best Israeli composers. The lyrics are poems originally written in Hebrew by the best Israeli poets and translated to Esperanto by Amir Naor, for everyone around the world to enjoy.

From Yiddish to Hebrew

  * התפרסם גם בהַמּוּסָךְ – הירחון המקוון לספרות של הספריה הלאומית (אוגוסט 2024).

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Last updated 28 September 2024
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